The Hidden Toll of Stress: Understanding Allostatic Load
Have you ever felt like stress is taking a toll on your body, even if you can't quite pinpoint how? The concept of allostatic load may shed some light on this experience. Allostatic load is the technical term for the cumulative wear and tear on the body that results from chronic stress. It's the price […]
The Science of Freeze and Shutdown: Exploring Your Body’s Stress Response
As an online therapist based in Argyll and Bute, I often work with clients who have experienced trauma or chronic stress. One of the most fascinating aspects of this work is exploring the body's natural stress response systems, particularly the freeze and shutdown responses. While many people are familiar with the fight-or-flight response, fewer are […]
Narrative Exposure Therapy: A Powerful Tool for Processing Traumatic Experiences
As an online therapist based in Argyll and Bute, I've seen firsthand the devastating impact that traumatic experiences can have on an individual's mental health and well-being. That's why I'm always on the lookout for effective treatments that can help my clients process and heal from their traumas. One such approach that has gained recognition […]
The Rewind Technique: Unlocking the Potential for Healing Traumatic Memories
As an online therapist based in Argyll and Bute, I'm always on the lookout for techniques that can help my clients process and heal from traumatic experiences. One such approach that has gained attention in recent years is the Rewind Technique, also known as the Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique (V-KD or VK Dissociation). The Rewind Technique […]
Connecting Through Shared Experiences: Introducing Group Therapy Courses and Retreats
Sometime this year, as an online therapist based in Bute, I'll be offering a range of courses, workshops, and retreats designed to take the one-on-one work I do with clients to a whole new level. These experiences will focus on the power of connection and the transformative potential of working within a supportive community. Group […]
My Qualification Journey: A Passion for Mental Health and Expertise in Therapy
As an online therapist based in Argyll and Bute, my journey in the field of mental health and therapy has been one of continuous learning so I can help my clients more effectively. My interest in the human mind began in the late 1980s when I first delved into child psychology and became captivated by […]