Investing in Your Well-Being: How My Ongoing CPD Benefits You

As an online therapist based in Argyll and Bute, and Auchterarder, my primary commitment is to your well-being. To achieve this, I believe in the continuous development of my skills and knowledge through Continuous Professional Development (CPD). In this blog, I want to highlight why it's essential for you, as a client, to choose a therapist who regularly attends CPD events and workshops.

CPD, or Continuous Professional Development, is a process that therapists engage with to enhance and expand their expertise. It involves participating in workshops, courses, seminars, and other learning opportunities related to therapy and mental health.

My governing body, the BABCP, states that I am expected to engage in a minimum of five CBT CPD activities per year. These should cover a range of topics, and  must include at least six hours of CBT skills workshop(s) each year which are taught by trainers with appropriate CBT training.

The Benefits to You

Here's why my ongoing CPD directly benefits you:

Updated Knowledge: The field of therapy is dynamic, with new research and techniques emerging regularly. By attending CPD events, I stay up to date with the latest developments, ensuring that the methods and strategies I use in our sessions are current and evidence-based.

Enhanced Skills: CPD enables me to refine and expand my therapeutic skills. This means that I can provide you with more effective, targeted, and personalised support as your therapist.

Ethical Practice: CPD also helps me stay informed about any changes in ethical guidelines and best practices within the industry. This ensures that I maintain the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in our therapeutic relationship.

Versatility: Attending CPD events allows me to broaden my therapeutic toolkit. I can offer you a wider range of approaches, tailored to your unique needs and preferences. As well as CBT, I regularly attend CPD events on EMDR, The Rewind Technique, Schema and Poly vagal ways of working.

Your Well-Being Matters

Choosing a therapist who values and invests in their CPD is a choice that prioritises your well-being. When you work with a therapist committed to ongoing development, you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care and support.

By selecting a therapist who regularly participates in CPD, you get the following advantages:

Effective Interventions: You benefit from the latest therapeutic interventions that have proven to be effective in addressing a variety of mental health concerns.

Tailored Solutions: I can adapt my approach to suit your specific situation and goals, ensuring that our sessions are meaningful and impactful.

Up-to-Date Knowledge: You can trust that the information and guidance you receive are based on the most recent research and best practices.

Ethical Treatment: Your therapy is conducted in an ethical, professional manner, respecting your rights and privacy at all times.

Your well-being is my top priority. If you're seeking support, I encourage you to reach out. Together, we can work towards your mental health and personal growth goals. Don't hesitate to get in touch and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.