Understanding Dissociation: How It Affects You and How CBT and EMDR Can Help

In my experience as an online CBT /EMDR therapist, I have found that dissociation is a common yet often misunderstood psychological experience. It refers to a mental state where you may feel disconnected from yourself or your surroundings. It can manifest in various ways, like feeling like you're watching your life from the outside or experiencing gaps in memory. It often occurs as a response to stress, trauma, or overwhelming emotions and is your mind and body’s way of protecting you. However, this may become problematic if you want to actively work on your trauma, as it may prevent you from processing what needs to be worked on.

Common Signs of Dissociation

Emotional Numbness: When you experience emotional numbness due to dissociation, it's like your emotions are hidden behind a thick fog. You might feel detached from your own feelings, making it challenging to recognise, understand, or express them. It can be like watching a movie of your life instead of actively participating in it. You may find it difficult to connect with joy, sadness, anger, or other emotions that are part of the human experience. This emotional disconnection can impact your relationships and overall sense of well-being.

Memory Gaps: Dissociation can lead to puzzling memory gaps, often referred to as "blackouts" or "missing time." During these periods, you might forget significant details, events, or even entire chunks of time from your life. Memory gaps are especially common in situations related to stress, trauma, or overwhelming emotions. These gaps can leave you feeling disoriented and confused, wondering what happened during those periods.

Depersonalisation: Depersonalisation is a dissociative experience that can be disconcerting. It's like observing yourself from an outsider's perspective. You may feel disconnected from your own body, thoughts, and emotions as if you are an observer rather than the one living your life. People often describe it as feeling robotic, as though they are going through the motions without a strong sense of self.

Derealisation: Derealisation involves a shift in your perception of the world around you. It can make the environment appear strange, distorted, or unreal, almost like you're living in a dream or a movie set. Colours might seem washed out, objects may look distorted, and your surroundings might feel unfamiliar or surreal. This dissociative experience can add to your sense of disconnection and disorientation, as the world you see doesn't match your usual reality.

How Can CBT and EMDR Help?

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is a practical and effective approach to managing dissociation. Here's how it works:

Understanding Triggers: CBT helps you identify what triggers your dissociative episodes. Once you understand the triggers, you can work on managing them effectively.

Changing Negative Thought Patterns: CBT helps you recognize and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to dissociation. By changing these thought patterns, you can regain control over your mind.

Developing Coping Strategies: Your therapist will teach you practical coping strategies to ground yourself in the present moment. These strategies can help you stay connected to reality when you feel disconnected.

Processing Trauma: For those whose dissociation is related to trauma, CBT and EMDR provide a safe space to process and heal from past experiences. It can help you make sense of your trauma and reduce its impact on your life.

At Rebecca Muller CBT, I am committed to providing you with the support and tools you need to manage dissociation effectively. My therapy sessions are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and empathetic approach to your healing journey.

Dissociation can be challenging, but it is manageable with the right support. CBT and EMDR, offered at Rebecca Muller CBT, are valuable resources for understanding and overcoming dissociation. We are here to help you regain control, connect with your emotions, and lead a more fulfilling life.

If you or someone you know is experiencing dissociation, don't hesitate to reach out. I’m here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more grounded future.